Lisa Davis » Welcome to Third Grade!!

Welcome to Third Grade!!

As a class we understand that learning takes time, effort and focus.  When taking responsibility for our learning, we communicate and actively participate.  By listening and asking thoughtful questions our class is better able to connect and explain new concepts.
Every day  our class prepares for a bright future!  As a community, Room 34 is dedicated and committed to learning together.  We understand that all students bring a unique scholastic experience into our classroom and that we learn in different ways and at different rates.  We use that knowledge to support each other's academic growth.  It is our goal as a team to enhance all students' intellectual, social, and emotional progress.  We encourage active engagement in lessons by providing a safe , kind, and caring learning environment.  We accept and respect each individual's thoughts, ideas, background and personality.

The transformative learning experiences in Room 34 are designed to help students progress both in and out of the classroom. Each day is filled with opportunities to experience new educational, social, and emotional situations. We create a safe and open setting where the students are guided in exploring information and the world around them.


We follow high academic standards and best teaching practices as a guide to stimulate their creativity and learning experiences. Objectives are not set in stone. Our class participates in Project Based Learning. There are occasional revisions developed in response to student needs, as well as the latest research on educational innovations and theories.

Background image  Lisa  Davis`s profile picture
Lisa Davis
Grade 3
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