At Glen Hills, we often talk about "The Gator Way", and what we mean by that is that we are all part of a community - a large, extende family, if you will, and our approach to educating our youngsters is founded upon the following beliefs:
All children are capable of learning to their fullest potential when provided with an atmosphere and environment that facilitates the process of learning.
Children learn best in an atmosphere that fosters self-expression and self-worth.
Children learn best in a clean, safe and aesthetically pleasing environment.
Children learn best through the use of differentiated instruction and flexible grouping patterns which allow for varying learning styles and developmental stages.
Children learn best in an environment that is flexible and conducive to creative, responsible and constructive activity.
Children learn best in an atmosphere of acceptance and high expectation.
Children learn best when taught how to think, not what to think.
Instruction and curriculum must address the social, emotional, physical and intellectual development of each child.
Children learn best through problem solving activities and integrated studies which promote a connectedness with our world.
Children learn best when they develop skills that assist them in working collaboratively with groups and independently.
Children learn best when instruction and curriculum are developmentally appropriate.
Children learn best with curriculum and instruction focused on fundamental literacy, mathematical reasoning, an understanding for cultural diversity, scientific literacy, physical fitness and an appreciation for the fine arts.
Children must have opportunities to make meaningful contributions to their community and world.
Children learn best when trusted to assume responsibilities in making decisions that are age appropriate and meaningful.
Children learn best when given the skills and opportunities to solve educational and social problems.
Children learn best when given leadership responsibilities which are age appropriate.
The education of children is a shared responsibility among students, parents, teachers, school staff and community.
Children learn best when parents are active partners in their child's education by being supportive of the school's beliefs, setting a good example for their children through facilitating two-way communication between school and home, helping students develop good work habits at home, demonstrating the importance of lifelong learning in academics and the arts, and being involved when the school requests parental participation.
Children learn best when teachers work as a team to plan instruction and curriculum to meet individual needs.